National Association of Registered Equine Massage Therapists

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With Centaur Equine Massage Training
The N.A.R.E.M.T. works to supervise and regulate the vast field of immediate and related studies to Equine Massage Therapy.
It encompasses the related equine physiological, equine psychological and interactive equine influences that serve to ensure the highest professional and ethical teachings to students.
It allows graduated therapists to practice ‘The Intellectual Art Of Equine Massage Therapy’
The N.A.R.E.M.T. harnesses the following Recognitions and Respect:
The highest quality education for all its students
The highest quality support for all its therapists
A strategic planning and policy development
Explanations of its educational policies to students and therapists
Implementation of its educational policies to students and therapists
Respective improvements and necessary amendments to its educational policies to students and therapists
The National Association of Registered Equine Massage Therapists actively works to advance and support the Intellectual Practice of Equine Massage Therapy through recognition and respect of the physical and emotional healings created and maintained through the Art of Intellectually Applied Equine Massage Therapy
The N.A.R.E.M.T actively encourages its integration into the vast spheres of both veterinary science and many other therapeutic practices.
Focusing On The Future With The N.A.R.E.M.T
Working together with our members and students the N.A.R.E.M.T. presents an environment welcoming anyone who wants to develop and share the subject of equine massage therapy within a supportive and professional framework.